Thank you for visiting the Finch & Beak website. Finch & Beak is now part of SLR Consulting, a global organization that supports its clients on setting sustainability strategies and seeing them through to implementation.
This is an exciting time for us, as our team now includes an array of new colleagues who offer advisory and technical skills that are complementary to our own including Climate Resilience & Net Zero, Natural Capital & Biodiversity, Social & Community Impact, and Responsible Sourcing.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to check out the SLR website, so you can see the full potential of what we are now able to offer.
The questions in the Human Capital Development criterion focus on a company’s employee development programs and the returns and benefits it obtains from those investments. The criterion is comprised of four questions which are quantitative in nature. This aligns with the general movement of RobecoSAM: from qualitative questions to a more data-driven approach.
Operational Eco-Efficiency is applicable for all industries, but the level of detail is different for each industry. Environmental indicators that are applicable to all companies are scope 1 + 2 greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption, and waste. The criterion focuses on the inputs and outputs of a company’s operations. Investors are interested in company’s performance on these elements as this has a direct effect on operational costs and regulatory, reputational, and operational risks.
With the publication of Dow Jones Sustainability Index data in the Bloomberg terminal, companies are now better capable of combining their perceived and actual sustainability performance, and compare it with their peers’ position. The outcome drives more efficient communication and helps sharpen the sustainability program; whether it is to accelerate actual performance on specific issues or to better to leverage sustainability leadership through alignment of communication.
The increasing hunger for ESG information from investors and institutions is more and more burdening companies. Reporting activities take up a lot of time, at the cost of generating real impact. Meanwhile, research continues to show that it is not the overall sustainability profile that is driving long-term company value, but a focused approach on the organization’s most material topics.
Finch & Beak helps companies to avoid the reporting trap by focusing on issues that are key for your company and society, by choosing the right benchmarks, and through efficient ways of reporting. With over 12 years of experience in Dow Jones Sustainability Index support and a long-term collaboration with RobecoSAM, Finch & Beak is one of Europe’s leading experts in assisting companies with their submission to ESG benchmarks.
Our work for (ex-) industry group leaders is characterized by a pragmatic, 12 month-approach that leverages existing assets in the short term, while identifying opportunities for strategic development in the future. If your organization is looking to improve its sustainability performance, please download our service description or contact us at for more information.
Finch & Beak
+34 627 788 170