Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

Finch & Beak is now SLR

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Finch & Beak is now SLR Consulting, a global organization that supports its clients on setting sustainability strategies and seeing them through to implementation.

We invite you to check out the SLR website, so you can see the full potential of what we offer, from sustainability strategies to implementation covering Climate Resilience & Net Zero, Natural Capital & Biodiversity, Social & Community Impact, Responsible Sourcing and more.

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Tuesday December 15, 2020

ESG Acceleration Webinar: #BuildingBackBetter in the Decade to Deliver

Forwarding progress to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and leveraging future possibilities
During this webinar we'll zoom in on what companies can do to emerge stronger and more sustainably from the pandemic crisis, sharing take-aways for businesses from the 2020 Future Possibilities Report. This UN-sanctioned report explores the possibilities of tomorrow, and how countries can leverage them to reset their economies in the post-Covid world.

The webinar is part of the second instalment of the ESG Acceleration Webinar Series hosted by Finch & Beak in December 2020, aimed at speeding up sustainability performance in the decade to deliver - especially during these challenging times. 

Guest speaker Margareta Drzeniek, Managing Partner at Horizon Group and former member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum, will share key take-aways for businesses from the “2020 Future Possibilities Report”, which was published under the auspices in partnership with the UN75, marking the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. The report explores the possibilities of tomorrow, and how countries can leverage them to reset their economies in the post-Covid world.

From Finch & Beak's end, managing partner Jan van der Kaaij will further zoom in on one of the six global transformations highlighted in the report: circular economy. The focus will be on how companies can identify the most valuable business opportunities and develop value propositions for the circular economy.

How not to waste a good crisis and leverage future possibilities?

Key lessons to be learned during the session include:

  • Six global transformations as the next batch of growth opportunities for businesses
  • Using the corona crisis to accelerate systemic change
  • Fast-forwarding contributions to achieve the SDGs by 2030
  • Core capacities required to leverage future possibilities
  • Identifying business opportunities and developing value propositions for the circular economy


Sign up to secure your spot

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 15 December, at 15:00-16:00 CET. Capacity for participants is limited, so sign up now to make sure you can join the session. If you are not able to join live at the time of the webinar, you are still welcome to register: we’ll send you a link to the recording afterwards.

In order to maximally facilitate peer learning in an open environment, we exclusively honor applications from corporate email addresses. Other applications will be rejected, including those from external consultants.

We look forward to having you on board!

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