Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

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Tuesday October 10, 2017

Training: Accelerating Your Circular Economy Game Plan

Executive training in Barcelona on 10 & 11 October 2017
Breaking down the $4.5 trillion potential of the circular economy and capture company-specific value remains a vital challenge for many organizations. The circular economy is very broad as a concept – at Finch & Beak, we found that companies have trouble finding a concrete starting point to identify tangible business opportunities within their business and are lacking a common understanding of the topic.


To help you get going and speed up your action plan, Finch & Beak hosts an executive training on 10-11 October in Barcelona, Spain. The aim is to create a better understanding of the circular economy and how to leverage its opportunities.

What you need to know

  • Purpose: Further explore the topic and work on developing specific skills required to move ahead in the circular economy.
  • Target audience: Senior professionals in the field of strategy, sustainability and innovation. For the best leverage of the program, companies are encouraged to send teams of two or more colleagues.
  • Dates: Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 October 2017.
  • Location: Hotel H10 Casanova, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 559, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Costs: € 1,250 per participant (excl. VAT), including dinner and lunch.

Frontrunner Case: Interface

Real-world input for the day comes in the form of a case by modular carpet leader Interface. Geanne van Arkel, Interface’s Head of Sustainable Development, will join us to present the company’s approach to circular economy and to introduce the case. The video below provides an example of how Interface has implemented circularity into its operations.

The Program

Tuesday October 10

19:00 - 23:00 Circular Discovery Expedition & Dinner

Wednesday October 11

08:30 - 11:30 Addressing the implementation challenge: change management simulation game

11:30 - 12:30 Introduction to the Interface case by Geanne van Arkel, Head of Sustainable Development at Interface.

12:30 - 16:00 Working lunch & Circular Economy Mini Sprint: The ideation and development of new circular economy business models. 

16:00 - 17:00 Conclusion: extracting learnings and assembling your own toolkit for the circular economy

17:00 - 17:15 Wrap-up & goodbyes

Besides the unique content of the training, the program also provides enough room for networking and discussions with peers that will help you and your organization to take the lead in the circular economy transformation. For more information on the event, please refer to the attached download.

Sign up now!

The circular economy training in Barcelona is a unique event with only limited seats available. If you are interested in joining the training, reserve your seat before October 3rd by sending an email to our event manager Nikkie Vinke at She is also happy to help with any other questions you may have.

Image source: Skyscrapercity

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