Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

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We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to check out the SLR website, so you can see the full potential of what we are now able to offer.

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Thursday October 27, 2022

ESG Acceleration Webinar: CSA Training for ESG Teams

Ensuring a strategic approach towards DJSI inclusion
Approaching S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) in the smartest way possible is crucial to strengthen your organization's performance and chances for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). In this webinar, we will discuss how to set up your ESG team to prepare well for your CSA 2023 participation. By sharing insights on how to drive your sustainability program, we will equip ESG teams and more specifically topic owners, and project managers with practical tips to strengthen your organisation's approach to the CSA.

Sustainability is a key element of ABN AMRO’s strategy. To accelerate the sustainability shift, the company focuses on three themes: climate change, circular economy, and social impact. Non-financial reporting and participation in ESG benchmarks is part of communicating the bank's approach and results. Guest speaker Catalina Hemmink, Sustainability Reporting Specialist at ABN AMRO, will be sharing how she manages the CSA process within the company and will give her practical takeaways for ESG project managers and topic owners.

Finch & Beak's Nikkie Vinke, CSA and ESG benchmarking expert, will be sharing more on how to practically tackle the CSA and leverage the learnings to drive your sustainability program. With ten years of international hands-on ESG benchmarking experience and having worked with multiple industry leaders, Nikkie is very well acquainted with the CSA and will break provide some lessons on how to best prepare for 2023.

Ensuring a strategic approach to the CSA

Key lessons to be learned during the session include how to:

  • Strengthen your CSA process by taking a strategic approach
  • Manage and activate your company's topic experts such as HR and Legal departments
  • Streamlining ESG benchmarking and avoiding the reporting trap
  • Tips & tricks for preparing for the 2023 CSA


Sign up to secure your spot

The webinar will take place on Thursday 27 October at 15:00-16:00 CET. Capacity for participants is limited, so sign up now to make sure you can join the session. If you are not able to join live at the time of the webinar, you are still welcome to register: we’ll send you a link to the recording afterwards.

In order to maximally facilitate peer learning in an open environment, we exclusively honor applications from corporate email addresses. Other applications will be rejected, including those from external consultants. We look forward to having you join us online!

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