Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

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Finch & Beak is now SLR Consulting, a global organization that supports its clients on setting sustainability strategies and seeing them through to implementation.

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Tuesday May 1, 2018

The Nike Circular Innovation Challenge: Design with Grind

Nike and OpenIDEO challenge you to come up with the next great circular innovation. To help Nike transform its waste into value streams, submit your idea by May 1st.

The challenge: How might we create a waste-free, circular future by designing everyday products using Nike Grind materials?

The solution: your best ideas!

Nike and OpenIDEO have partnered to create this challenge with the goal of identifying promising new solutions for Nike Grind materials which consist of recycled materials recovered from used footwear and manufacturing scraps (see full list of materials). Nike is looking to continue to create products that improve the lives of the people who use them, while reducing waste in the world around us.

One grand prize winner will receive $30,000, and up to four more top innovators will receive $5,000 grants for further development of their concept. All promising proposals will be considered for further partnership with Nike.

Key dates:

  • Ideas: February 27-May 1
  • Review: May 21
  • Refinement: June 24
  • Final Review: June 25
  • Top Ideas: July

Get acquainted with Circular Design Methods by reading our Interface case study and find more inspiration in our article on how Adidas and Parley are using Circular Economy to innovate.

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