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Selecting Circular Economy Strategies

Chapter 10: Download the BMW i3 Business Model Canvas here
Selecting Circular Economy Strategies
Publ. date 7 Dec 2018
The circular economy is a concept in direct opposition to the more traditional linear way of thinking, i.e. take-make-dispose. To help teams get more comfortable with the notion of developing Many Alternative Sustainable Solutions (MASS) by identifying sustainability challenges and selecting circular economy strategies, experimentation is recommendable. This Business Model Canvas team training exercise is aimed at experimenting with the development of circular economy solutions based on the value proposition of the BMW i3.

BMW i3 workshop instructions
Time required: 1½ to 2 hours

  1. The workshop starts off with a brief group discussion of the abridged version of the BMWi3 business model visualized through the popular Business Model Canvas. As (sustainable) mobility is a topic that is close to the heart of many, if not most, the workshop participants will bring plenty of knowledge, opinion and experiences of the business to guarantee lively exchanges.
  2. After introducing the BMWi3 business model and the surrounding industry trends and forces in the plenary kick-off, participants are divided into teams of 4 to 6 individuals. Each team receives the assignment to identify circular economy strategies from the circular strategy framework.
  3. More specifically, the participants are requested to come up with a minimum of three ideas that are contributing to “green mobility”.
  4. The participating teams each present the recognized challenges together with the selected circular economy strategies, the types of potential partners that have been identified and the targets that are to be set for the challenges that have been singled out.

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