Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

Finch & Beak is now SLR

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Finch & Beak is now SLR Consulting, a global organization that supports its clients on setting sustainability strategies and seeing them through to implementation.

We invite you to check out the SLR website, so you can see the full potential of what we offer, from sustainability strategies to implementation covering Climate Resilience & Net Zero, Natural Capital & Biodiversity, Social & Community Impact, Responsible Sourcing and more.

Below you can find the archived Finch & Beak website.

Maintain the Motion: ESG Acceleration Webinar Series

Three practical and interactive webinars to accelerate sustainability
Maintain the Motion: ESG Acceleration Webinar Series
Publ. date 21 Apr 2020
Finch & Beak launches the ESG Acceleration Webinar series: three webcasts in May 2020 aimed at speeding up sustainability performance and building resilience in the decade to deliver - especially during these challenging times. We'll be sharing practical insights on how to use DJSI, materiality and impact valuation to take your sustainability program to the next level.

Webinar 1: DJSI for Rookies

Introduction to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for first-time participants or new users within experienced companies: learn about the basics of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and the wider ESG rating landscape.


Webinar 2: More from Materiality

Taking the materiality matrix out of the reporting trap and into a strategic tool for sustainability focus and stakeholder engagement, with best practices coming from guest speaker Simon Gobert, Sustainability Performance and Reporting Manager at DSM.


Webinar 3: Practical Application of Impact Valuation

Discover how to integrate environmental and social impacts into business cases and strategic decision making, with Eric Mieras, Managing Director of PRé Sustainability and Finch & Beak's Managing Partner Jan van der Kaaij.


Capacity for participants is limited, so sign up now to make sure you can join your session(s) of choice. In order to maximally facilitate peer learning, we only accept applications from corporate email addresses and no external consultants will be allowed. 

We look forward to seeing you online!

Nikkie Vinke
About Nikkie Vinke

Seasoned advisor in ESG benchmarking, sustainability strategy and stakeholder engagement. |

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